'Best Hair Salon in Sunderland?' 
Come and See for Yourself!

It’s warm in the salon, there is a lot of noise and commotion. The hair dryers are blowing, people are chatting, the phone is ringing, and the radio is blaring. 

I sit in my chair, trying not to look in the mirror where I can count the crow’s feet around my eyes and clearly see the bags forming. 

I have my book in my lap. 

I’ve been looking forward to a bit of me time. Just sitting in peace, me, and my book while I get pampered. 

The reality is, I haven’t opened my book. The stylist is talking to me about my job, my daughter, the stresses of the lack of a work-life balance and parenthood. The fact that I am not going on holiday again this year due to lack of time and funds is brought out into the open. 

I can feel the anxiety spreading through my chest and into my knotted stomach. 

The stark reality that I am telling all of this to a stranger under the pretence of polite ‘chit chat’ makes me feel nauseous.

I hate this bit about the hair salon. 

Can’t she see I have my book? 

Of course, I’m too polite to say anything, so I answer all her probing questions, whilst staring at myself in the mirror, finding more and more faults with the woman in the reflection (me not the stylist). 

I wonder to myself – is this the best salon in Sunderland? How could it be improved?

It’s important to note, that it’s not just about the quality of the hair cut or the price. 

I found the perfect salon once.  

When I walked in, I felt special. 

I was greeted by name – not – ‘do you have an appointment?’

The stylist listened very carefully to my request and studied the photograph I shared with her. She noted my book and asked if I would like a cup of tea to accompany my reading. 

The only questions she asked were in relation to the style that she was creating for me. 

When I left, I felt relaxed and was happy with the way I now looked. 

Unfortunately, we moved, and I have yet to find this experience again. 

I have been researching the hair/beauty industry recently and have made some interesting discoveries. 

In Britain people spent £8.6 billion in beauty/hair salons in 2019. 

There were more than 46,000 hair and beauty businesses in the UK in 2021. Despite the pandemic businesses have continued to increase year on year. 

63% of people working in the hair and beauty industry are self-employed, running small businesses with fewer than 10 employees. 

In March 2020 there were more than 2000 hair and beauty businesses in the North East of England alone. 

This data shows that even though, hair salon anxiety is a very real thing, there is more and more competition for hair and beauty salons.

My question, would then be – how can you as a hair salon, set yourself apart from all of the others? 

What would you do differently to make someone like me shout out from the rooftops – Yes, this really is the best salon in Sunderland!

How do you ensure that your customers keep coming back to you and not to the other 3 hair dressing salons just down the street – because let’s face it, the next hair salon is never far away. 

Perhaps the key will be in the message that you send. 

The words that you use and the experience that you offer.


If you would like to stand out above the crowd and truly be known as the best hair salon in Sunderland – let’s meet. I have some great ideas already. 

Click on this link and book a free (no obligation) 30-minute consultation. I am happy to come to you or we can meet online via TEAMs or Zoom. 
